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Good  Karma Coffee

Good Karma Coffee is a specialty roaster with a focus on high quality farm coffee from traceable trade. Since we were founded in 2013, we have also been importing coffee ourselves and visit our farmers every year to ensure the quality, for which we pay many times more than the usual daily price. We get the coffees that we don't import from ourselves from colleagues and green coffee importers who share our opinion on the coffee trade: The best coffees go through a few hands. By this we mean 100% traceability of the coffee, close and long-term cooperation with the farmers and a pricing policy that helps people in the growing countries to improve their lives.


Deposit instead of garbage! You will love RECUP

A RECUP replaces up to 1,000 disposable cups in the course of its life. It is cleaned in the catering dishwasher like normal dishes and then put back into the cycle.

The RECUP deposit cup is 100% recyclable and free of BPA and harmful substances. With him you will become a green pioneer!

There is no getting around reusable items. No wonder, with these advantages disposable can pack:

  • The cups are made from 100% recyclable polypropylene

  • A RECUP replaces up to 1,000 disposable cups

  • Without any waste - enjoy coffee-to-go with a clear conscience

Easy as pie: deposit 1€ deposit - enjoy a drink on the go - 1€ deposit back! No app registration. No additional effort. Simply reusablenew text

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